This past weekend, we left our girls at home to go visit our friends on their farm out in West Virginia. I don't think Ren or Shae minded the break, and I KNOW George didn't mind taking a break from studying for the bar.
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We spent the weekend riding my friend's 3 horses through the mountains (their farm butts up against a huge 17000 acre state park), relaxing, and catching up with Susan and Frank.
Here are some pictures we took of the land we traversed by horseback.

Yup, we rode up to the top of that mountain...

Someone on the river caught one BIG catfish.

The weather was lovely - in the 70s and (best of all) few bugs!

I was actually really surprised at how much ground you can cover on horseback. I'm sorry we didn't take the camera with us on the trail rides, but it was big & bulky. We need to take a digital pocket camera with us.

Here are Susan's horses parked under a gigantic tree in their pasture.

Up close and personal! Meet (left to right) Susan's three geldings: Gabe, Boogie (my mount for the weekend) and Othello (George's mount for the weekend).

This is the VERY SCARY HAY BALER. When we put the boys away this machine (which was obviously something that eats innocent horses for lunch) produced some interesting antics from our three steeds.

They went from one end of their pasture to the other.

For Othello, that's a LOT of effort. His favorite gate is the "mosey."

Boogie also felt the need to investigate the tractor.

... and of course, after investigation, they all felt the need to run away to the other end of their pasture again.

Like me and George, Susan leans towards drafts. Both Boogie and Othello are 1/2 Shire.

Here is the barn and Susan's trailer which we tacked out of. Susan and Frank are splitting time between Maryland and West Virgina, and are in the process of getting their WV farm up and running.

George and I had a blast and are planning to visit again after George takes the bar. Now if we could only get our two horses down there... I think Ren would just love some "hill therapy" in the form of WV mountains, don't you?
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