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This past fall my friend Woody invited me to go fox hunting. A friend of mine happened to be there taking pictures of the hunt! Here we are before the start of the hunt. I'm riding Woody's mare Amber and he's riding his gelding Charm. My two girls stayed at home as they have never been out on a hunt before. Notice my sunglasses - in the rest of the pictures just search for them to find me. In some pictures finding me is a lot like finding Waldo from a page in a Where's Waldo? book!

And yes, helmets do not make for a good fashion accessory. However, they do protect one's noggin.
The hounds were very excited to start. The experienced hounds wore different colored collars from the hounds in training.

See me? I'm right in the middle. Yup, there's Woody's back (again).

These are about 1/2 of all the horses out on the hunt. My friend was taking pictures mostly of the first field of horses. The horses are divided into three "fields" - the first field is the most challenging (goes the fastest and goes over jumps), the second field is less strenuous but still does some cantering, and the third field is for the elderly horses or riders who mostly just walk and maybe do some light trotting. Each field is led by a hunt master who communicates to the other fields via radio. They know the trails and figure out the best way to follow the hound master and hounds. You'll notice in the picture below the horses are divided up into two distinct rows. The row in the back is part of the second field and the row in the front is part of the first field of horses.

These pictures just don't do justice with how much cantering and galloping we did that day. Woody convinced me to ride with the first field which is the fastest and hardest paced group. I agreed since the farms we were hunting on did NOT have jumps. I don't mind galloping all over, but I am not an experienced jumper. I felt that jumping on a fox hunt is NOT the place to learn! I can jump over logs and small things, but haven't ever had any lessons. Amber, the mare I'm riding, is very experienced, which made up for my inexperience when it came to maneuvering through the hunt while following all the hunt rules (such as don't step on the dogs (that's really frowned upon), yielding to hunt masters and all dogs (they have the right of way), and staying away from any rider that doesn't have their horse under control (actually, that's more of a self preservation guideline then anything else).

Here you'll notice that the hound master has a horn which he uses to communicate with the 40+ hounds with us.

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